2020 Men's Retreat

Kern Catholic held its 2nd annual Men's Retreat January 8th and 9th at St. Philip the Apostle Church. Fr. Nathan Cromly, CSJ, led the two night retreat based on the theme "Being True Soldiers of Christ". We had over 200 men in attendance each night. Both nights included Mass and Confession along with dinner, talks and fellowship.
Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make the retreat a success, especially:
Hank Scharf and the St Philips team
Cindy Herndon and the Registration team
Mike Etcheverry and Bill Floy for the BBQ
Tony Ransick and Mike Soper & Sons for the Chili Cook Off
Norma Sacchini and her Dessert team
PR representatives from each Parish
Set up and clean up volunteers
For more information about Fr. Nathan's ministries, please click on the links below.

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