"Proclaiming Christ means showing that to believe in and to follow Him is not only something right and true, but also something beautiful, capable of fulfilling life with new splendor and profound joy, even in the midst of difficulties.” - Pope Francis
The mission of Kern Catholic is to promote unity among Catholics of Kern County utilizing social media and faith formation events.
Kern Catholic is an organization formed by a few faithful women who gathered in the Spring of 2017 to plan a Women’s Retreat. In an effort to include women from all of Kern County’s parishes a website was created. It resulted in 92 women representing 12 parishes attending the retreat held in October 2017, at St. Anthony’s Retreat House in Three Rivers, California.
Kern Catholic's second inspiration came from the Los Angeles Catholic Prayer Breakfast held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Inspired by the beauty of witnessing Catholics from all over the Los Angeles Archdiocese come together to pray the rosary, celebrate Mass, share a simple breakfast and listen to an inspirational speaker, the concept of Kern Catholic developed further.
Three yearly events will be sponsored by Kern Catholic – A Catholic Prayer Breakfast to be held during Lent, A Women's Retreat led by Fr. Nathan Cromly CSJ in the Fall, and a Men's Retreat centered around an inspirational speaker in January.
Kern Catholic is approved by His Excellency Bishop Joseph V. Brennan,DD, under the guidance of Reverend Monsignor Perry Kavookjian and is supported by local priests and deacons.
While Kern Catholic does not intend to be a fundraising entity, it does intend to provide access and opportunity to all Catholics regardless of their ability to pay. Thus, sponsor contributions are necessary to keep the cost of events affordable and in some cases free to those in need.
Kern Catholic is an exciting concept through which we will answer the call to be Missionary Disciples of Christ. We welcome you to join our efforts of bringing hope, joy and unity to all Catholics of Kern County.
Board of Directors
Marcie Soper - Chair
Lou Ann Durrett - Vice Chair
Gloria Minor - Treasurer
Suzan Sindelar - Secretary
Cathy Lucas - Member at large
Lisa Soegaard - Member at large
Sean McNally - Member at large
Kevin Pascoe - Member at large​
Gloria Minor, Chair
Public Relations
Lisa Soegaard, Chair
Prayer Breakfast
Marcie Soper, Chair
Women's Retreat
Suzan Sindelar, Chair
Men's Retreat
Sean McNally, Co-Chair
Kevin Pascoe, Co-Chair
Advisory Board
Laurie Bustamante
James Carlson
Davida Delis
Lou Ann Durrett
Pat Flores
Grant Herndon
Monsignor Perry Kavookjian
Father Mark Maxon
Cathy Lucas
Sean McNally
Gloria Minor
Kevin Pascoe
Javier Reyes. Jr.
Colleen Scanlon
Hank Scharf
Suzan Sindelar
Marcie Soper
Linda Sullenger